Computer Architecture Topic Explaination - Insurance Tips

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Computer Architecture Topic Explaination






n          Warehouse-scale computer (WSC)


n       Provides Internet services



n    Search, social networking, online maps, video sharing, online shopping, email, cloud computing, etc.


n       Differences with HPC “clusters”:


n    Clusters have higher performance processors and network


n    Clusters emphasize thread-level parallelism, WSCs emphasize request-level parallelism


n       Differences with datacenters:


n    Datacenters consolidate different machines and software into one location


n    Datacenters emphasize virtual machines and hardware heterogeneity in order to serve varied customers












n          Important design factors for WSC:


n       Cost-performance


n    Small savings add up


n       Energy efficiency


n    Affects power distribution and cooling


n    Work per joule


n       Dependability via redundancy


n       Network I/O


n       Interactive and batch processing workloads


n       Ample computational parallelism is not important


n    Most jobs are totally independent


n    “Request-level parallelism”


n       Operational costs count




n    Power consumption is a primary, not secondary, constraint when designing system

n       Scale and its opportunities and problems


n    Can afford to build customized systems since WSC require volume purchase







Program’s Models and Workloads




n          Batch processing framework: Map Reduce




n       Map: applies a programmer-supplied function to each logical input record


n    Runs on thousands of computers


n    Provides new set of key-value pairs as intermediate values




n       Reduce: collapses values using another programmer-supplied function
















Program’s Models and Workloads




n          Example:


n       map (String key, String value):


n    // key: document name


n    // value: document contents


n    for each word w in value


n    Emit Intermediate(w,”1”); // Produce list of all words




n       reduce (String key, Iterator values):


n    // key: a word


n    // value: a list of counts


n    int result = 0;


n    for each v in values:


n    result += ParseInt(v); // get integer from key-value pair


n    Emit(AsString(result));







Program’s Models and Workloads




n          MapReduce runtime environment schedules map and reduce task to WSC nodes




n          Availability:


n       Use replicas of data across different servers


n       Use relaxed consistency:


n    No need for all replicas to always agree




n          Workload demands


n       Often vary considerably






 Computer Architecture of WSC




n          WSC often use a hierarchy of networks for interconnection


n          Each 19” rack holds 48 1U servers connected to a rack switch


n          Rack switches are uplinked to switch higher in hierarchy


n       Uplink has 48 / n times lower bandwidth, where n = # of uplink ports



n    “Oversubscription”


n       Goal is to maximize locality of communication relative to the rack














n          Storage options:


n       Use disks inside the servers, or


n       Network attached storage through Infiniband




n       WSCs generally rely on local disks


n       Google File System (GFS) uses local disks and maintains at least three relicas




 Array Switch




n          Switch that connects an array of racks


n       Array switch should have 10 X the bisection bandwidth of rack switch


n       Cost of n-port switch grows as n2


n       Often utilize content addressible memory chips and FPGAs


WSC Memory Hierarchy




n          Servers can access DRAM and disks on other servers using a NUMA-style interface



Infrastructure and Costs of WSC




n          Location of WSC


n       Proximity to Internet backbones, electricity cost, property tax rates, low risk from earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes


n          Power distribution



















Infrastructure and Costs of WSC




n          Cooling


n       Air conditioning used to cool server room


n       64 F – 71 F


n    Keep temperature higher (closer to 71 F)


n       Cooling towers can also be used


n    Minimum temperature is “wet bulb temperature”




















Infrastructure and Costs of WSC




n          Cooling system also uses water (evaporation and spills)


n       E.g. 70,000 to 200,000 gallons per day for an 8 MW facility



n          Power cost breakdown:


n       Chillers: 30-50% of the power used by the IT equipment


n       Air conditioning: 10-20% of the IT power, mostly due to fans



n          How man servers can a WSC support?


n       Each server:


n    “Nameplate power rating” gives maximum power consumption


n    To get actual, measure power under actual workloads


n       Oversubscribe cumulative server power by 40%, but


Monitor power closely











Measuring Efficiency of a WSC



n          Power Utilization Effectiveness (PEU)


n       = Total facility power / IT equipment power


n       Median PUE on 2006 study was 1.69




n          Performance


n       Latency is important metric because it is seen by users


n       Bing study: users will use search less as response time increases


n       Service Level Objectives (SLOs)/Service Level Agreements (SLAs)


n    E.g. 99% of requests be below 100 ms









Cost of a WSC




n          Capital expenditures (CAPEX)


n       Cost to build a WSC




n          Operational expenditures (OPEX)


n       Cost to operate a WSC




















Cloud Computing




n          WSCs offer economies of scale that cannot be achieved with a datacenter:


n       5.7 times reduction in storage costs


n       7.1 times reduction in administrative costs


n       7.3 times reduction in networking costs


n       This has given rise to cloud services such as Amazon Web Services


n    “Utility Computing”


n    Based on using open source virtual machine and operating system software














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