To search a file by giving file type like mp3 or mpeg or doc - Insurance Tips

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Sunday, May 22, 2022

To search a file by giving file type like mp3 or mpeg or doc



/*Program Name: Filecopy Header File                          */

/*Who: Prashanth S R                                          */

/*Date:11/02/2006                                             */




/*                                                                                            HEADER FILES                                                                                                    */






/*                                                                                            MACROS                                                                                                                                              */

#define FILENAME           500

#define DIRNAME                            500

#define FAILURE                               -1

#define SUCCESS                              0

#define SRCPATH                             "D:\Prashanth\Music"

#define FILEPATH             "D:\Prashanth\Home


#define LOGPATH                            "D:\Prashanth\Home


#define FILETYPE              25

#define TRUE                     1

#define FALSE                    0

#define FLOPPY_DRIVE  "A:"

#define C_DRIVE                                              "C:"

#define D_DRIVE                                              "D:"

#define E_DRIVE                                               "E:"

#define F_DRIVE                                               "F:"




/*                                                                                            MODULAR VARIABLES                                                                                   */

char SrcDir[DIRNAME];  /* Holds the source path name */

char LogPath[DIRNAME];             /* Holds the log path name */

char FileDet[DIRNAME]; /* Holds the filedetails path name */

FILE *LogFile;                                     /* File pointer for Logfile */

FILE *LogFileDet;                              /* File pointer for Filedetails */




/*                                                                                            GLOBAL STRUCTURES                                                                                     */

typedef struct


                char FileType_ca[FILETYPE];

                long FileSize;

                char Filename_ca[FILENAME];



FileStruct *gFileStruct;



/*                                                                                            FUNCTION PROTOTYPES                                                                                               */

void InitialiseBegin();

void LogMessage(char *);

long Get_Filedesc(char *);

void LoadFileStruct(char *);

void SearchFileStruct(FileStruct *, long);

void CreateFileDet(FileStruct *);

void OpenDir(char *);

void FindFiles(char *, char *);

void CheckValid_Drive(char);





/*Program Name: Search Utility                                */

/*Who: Prashanth S R                                          */

/*Date:11/02/2006                                             */




/*                                                                                           Header Files                                                                                         */








#include "SearchFile.h";


/*                                                                                           Global Variables                                                                                 */


short SubFolder_s = FALSE;          /* Flag to indicate if subfolders exists */

short Searchflag_s = FALSE;         /* Flag to indicate searched files


:mp3, mpeg) */

int CountFiles_i = FALSE;               /* Counts the number of searched files */

char dir;                                                                                /* Holds the Drive name */

char AnoSearch_flag[10];             /* Holds the status of another search */

char Filetype[20];

FileStruct *FFileStruct;   /* Global pointer for populating file names

                                                                                                                                and size */




                memset (Filetype , '

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